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Alexander Technique Website Design | Photographs and Images #01

Alexander Technique Website Design - Photographs and Images

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This is the Griffen Mill Design Guide to designing websites for Alexander Technique practitioners. This section focusses on the use of photographs as well as images such as diagrams or illustrations. Other parts of the guide focus on colour, shape and aesthetic designs and making appropriate content and copywriting decisions. Click to return to the main guide.

Images and Photographs for Alexander Technique Practitioners

In most cases, an Alexander Technique practitioner will wish to convey a professional and inviting impression with their website. They will also be looking to emphasise a human touch and give a reassurance that they can bring the client a sense of well being. Depending on the client, some practitioners will wish to convey a more clinical image, using photographs of clean and professional looking treatment rooms or of treatments taking place, while others will take a more wellbeing line and opt for images of active and positive people.

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Sourcing Images for an Alexander Technique Website

You can take them yourself, but these days online image libraries are a fantastic resource of high quality, low cost and immense choice. In fact there are so many images online, that it is useful to experiment with keywords to find just what you are looking for.

The obvious starting point for an image for an Alexander Technique website is to search for Alexander Technique. However depending on how the photographer has tagged their image, it may not find everything that you may be looking for. Try searching for body or treatment perhaps. The other approach you can take is to type in mood keywords such as relaxing, as the emotional content of the website is all important. Once you have found an image that is close to what you are looking for, there may also be an option to 'see more like this', which will show you similar images that might just hit the mark.

A short list of words you might try for an Alexander Technique website may include: treatment, revitalise, anatomy, health, posture, massage, healing, relax, calm, holistic, reflex, balance, well-being, relaxing, therapy.

We often use Shutterstock for images for Alexander Technique websites, as we find they have a good range of high quality photographs.

Example Images for Alexander Technique websites

Finally, we have included below a number of typical images we might use with an Alexander Technique website. These images are not intended for you to copy and reuse, in fact there are likely to be copyright problems with you doing that. However we have included commentary on how we feel these images suit an Alexander Technique website, so that you can take inspiration from them and find your own individual images.

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Shoulder Pain

This is a classic image to relate to the visitors of the practitioners website. It shows a woman indicating shoulder pain. The image works well to display the nature of a practitioners work. This image has a dark background tone beside a stronger red colour, which must only be used within a website design of a similar colour palette for it to work harmoniously.

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Specific Exercises

The Alexander Technique includes using certain motions and movements specific to the ailment of the subject. Images such as this, which show specific treatments by the practitioner, may help to show the personal advice and practice that their clients will receive. It is important to remember, when designing for a practitioner, how the images will fit with the overall colour scheme of the website, so that the colours within the image should complement the palette used for the whole site. This ensures that images used do not clash against the overall design, but illustrate and inform effectively.

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Active Lady

Not all images used within Alexander Technique website designs will be of patients discomfort or of treatments taking place. It can be very beneficial to place images of active or happy people within the design, to give a more positive and uplifting appeal that the practitioners work aims to aid.

Example Alexander Technique Websites

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