14th August 2019 - Go wide with our new designs
We build all our designs on the PHD Interactive website platform as its then so easy for our clients to make their own changes and it also delivers great results. Unlike the standard PHDi service though we have our own design layer that gives us much more flexibility on layout and style and we've just completed a completely new version of this we're calling Social FullWidth. We're pretty excited about it as it's not only powerful and enables us to do some really stylish effects but the content manager retains the same simplicity. It means that clients can still make updates as well as use the new layout effects themselves. What are we on about? Here's an example to explain

30th April 2019 - Silver Gallery is Live
After 6 months of development and testing we are delighted that WebHealer is now offering our Silver Gallery designs as a mainstream option. WebHealer clients are able to choose these at sign up as well as at any time in the future. It was an intensive development period for us and we are still actively involved as we have created a Silver Factory production process where we develop new designs each week for the Silver Gallery. It is working even better than we hoped and the quality is great - although the opportunity to fine tune stylistic elements is limited compared to our fully bespoke projects this is still design work of a very high quality that we are very proud of. Here's an example for a counselling website. These Silver Gallery designs are only available directly from WebHealer.

8th Feb 2019 - Griffen Mill Website Relaunch
Our new design is finally live. We went for a low key design backdrop to give the images more punch - a style we're using more and more these days on client websites. There are a few behind the scenes tricks going on as well as to make the content layout in the best possible way and which make use of flexbox. Of course its super mobile friendly as well. If you're looking for a design upgrade to your own website why not drop us a line?

10th Sept 2018 - Silver Gallery
We've been thinking hard over the Summer about how we can help more PHD Interactive clients get access to high quality unique design without incurring the costs that tend to accompany bespoke design. There is our Silver Design service of course which is very popular and costs only £39 but PHD Interactive challenged us to come up with something else - something even better!
And so we have. We are putting finishing touches now to our Silver Gallery service. The Silver Gallery is a collection of pre-made designs, each created by an experienced designer. Clients will be able to preview their PHD Interactive website using any of these designs and choose the one they like best. Each design will be unique so once it has been chosen and paid for, no one else can have it. The cost? All we can say for now is that you will like it.

15th March 2018 - Call to Action Graphics
With the recent launch of Active Images, PHD Interactive have added a great facility to their website editor that we recommend clients make use of. It aids navigation and provides us designers with a great tool to engage visitors and encourage them to take a look at what's on offer... ideally resulting in an enquiry, subscription or some form of action. The website editor includes some free 'call to action' graphics (such as the one opposite) and we're also enjoying making custom graphics for our clients. Get in touch if you'd like us to make something for you.

20th Sep 2017 - The Value of Gold Design
We just completed some very interesting analysis to assess the business benefit of the design work we do here at Griffen Mill. We looked at the before and after impact of a Gold Design, specifically looking at designs by James Morrison of Blue Squash, who is part of Griffen Mill. The bottom line was an average benefit of over £1,800 per year to clients. To see the full analysis visit the WebHealer blog.

27th June 2017 - PHD Interactive Redesign
Top designer at Griffen Mill, James Morrison of Blue Squash Design just completed a fresh new redesign of our key partner's website www.phdinteractive.co.uk. As ever he's been pushing design boundaries and developed a few very useful techniques that will get brought to other client websites in the near future. Yes, we know, it's high time this website got a facelift. Don't worry work is in progress.

5th May 2017 - Silver Rewards
There's a new way for WebHealer clients to get their hands on a custom Griffen Mill design. Up until now you could either choose one of our fully bespoke Gold designs or the special WebHealer Silver Design service which is a rapid simplified approach. Now the Silver Design team has made arrangements with WebHealer to support their Silver Rewards programme. The way it works is that WebHealer clients who introduce two or more therapists to sign up to the WebHealer service are entitled to a Silver Design as a thank you, and WebHealer will pay for it!

23rd March 2017 - Super Hero Promotion
We had a great response to our promotional offer during January and February 2017 for the new Super Hero design, with a take up of over 40 WebHealer customers going for the new style. In total there are now almost 250 Silver designs live and as we continue to refine and improve the styling we expect this service to become more and more popular.

17th Jan 2017 - Brand New Super Hero
We've relaunched our Super Hero silver design. It's a much fresher cleaner design whilst offering more sophisticated enhanced mobile responsiveness with enhanced design elements. This relaunch is part of our new "trickle down" approach of borrowing ideas and innovations from our gold design team and working them into packaged silver designs, enabling great modern design at super low silver costs.

22th Nov 2016 - 200 Silver Designs
This has been a great year for design innovation. Recent technology enhancements have added a lot more flexibility for beautiful and engaging gold designs. We'll show some examples shortly, however the work that has been giving the most benefit to the most people has been our low cost silver design service. We've worked hard to streamline the process this year and we just notched up our 200th design.

15th Sept 2016 - Go To Pages
Those therapist icons we designed for WebHealer clients became even more useful in the last few days. The PHD Interactive content management system just added a simple "Go To Page" system to make it very easy to use our icons as a way to click through to your special offer page or discount voucher page. This is much more intuitive and likely to increase click through rates for those using these offers. Go To pages can be enabled via the new Special Features section of the Administration Area.

27th July 2016 - Therapist website icons
Back in 2013 we made a set of animated graphics which could be used by therapists to enhance their websites, primarily with customers of WebHealer in mind. Today we agreed with WebHealer that the graphics could be built into the image libraries of all WebHealer clients so they can be selected and displayed on WebHealer websites with a simple selection from a pull down list. The work has now been done, so if you're a WebHealer client go try them out. See Therapist Website Icons for a reminder of what they look like.

8th March 2016 - Paragraph Styles
Our latest design tool has been great fun to work with. We call it paragraph styles and it provides a way to style different paragraphs for different purposes, allowing the client to produce very elegant content without having to worry about the design styling. The content management stays just the same with very simple editing and just the addition of a code in the paragraph to determine the style. See www.bespokemassage.org.uk for a great example.

3rd Dec 2015 - Gold Designs
It is now 2 years since we created the social media and mobile friendly design platform Social colourMAX for clients of PHD Interactive. It can look great in its standard form, but we've really been enjoying pushing the boundaries of the design for customers choosing our bespoke ("Gold") redesign service. Lots of small technical improvements over the last 2 years have made some lovely design possible, such as this example for therapist Marie Fleming. Marie was delighted with the design as were we. See www.lifewithpassion.co.uk

7th Oct 2015 - 100 Silver Designs Completed
We get a steady stream of requests from WebHealer these days for Silver Designs, so much so that we have just completed our 100th. Not bad considering it is such a new offering. Clients love the results that can be achieved for such a modest outlay of typically £25. The Personal Hero format is particularly popular as well as Action Hero which is another great looking design. For more information about the options available using our Silver Design service see WebHealer Design Options Tour.

1st Sept 2015 - Administration Area Redesign
Last month we completed the redesign of all administration pages behind the PHD Interactive system. This has been an ongoing process over the last couple of years, as most of the pages have had a significant functionality upgrade as well as cosmetic/usability improvements. The last page to get a makeover with the new black background look is the Visitor Statistics page depicted, which we improved with a new dynamic chart to replace the clunky old bar chart. The database guys at PHD Interactive also did a fantastic job providing a lot more data for analysis than had previously been available so overall this is something we're all proud of. This page is in beta test with customers of WebHealer at present and will be available to all within a month.

26th Jan 2015 - Colour Scheme Designer
We've just completed development of a powerful new feature for the PHD Interactive Administration Area for clients. The Colour Scheme Designer is a live colour scheme design and preview tool enabling clients to personalise the look of their website to match their branding or personal taste.

4th July 2014 - Silver Design Service
Griffen Mill is delighted to be launching a new approach to custom website design, which is now available for clients of WebHealer. It is called the Silver Design service and sits between the full bespoke service (Gold) and the self-service approach with help from WebHealer's customer service team (Bronze). Its an approach that works really well with the new mobile friendly Social colourMAX design and offers some really high impact stylish and individual looking website design at great budget prices, such as this example alongside. See the WebHealer Design Options Tour for more information.

4th Feb 2014 - Bespoke Social colourMAX Designs
An exciting day for us at Griffen Mill. The new Social ColourMax design running on a 960 grid platform is up and running, and we're starting to get stuck into creating some lovely bespoke designs using it. Its the latest technology running HTML5 and fully responsive it looks great on big screens, laptops, tablets and phones.

6th Jan 2014 - Therapist Icons for the New Year
Our original Therapist Website Icons were very popular, so we've made a couple more specifically focussed on helping therapists reach out to those thinking of making a new year's resolution to reduce the stress in their lives. See New Year's Resolution Icons.

2nd Oct 2013 - Mobile Optimised Designs
After recently creating the Mobile colourMAX design platform for PHD Interactive, we're working on a series of mobile optimised designs to complement it. Not only are they responsive, but to address issues with cross device font inconsistency we're going with the Google Fonts system of dynamically loaded web based fonts. The next one which is now very advanced in development will be Social colourMAX, an exciting development for WebHealer, as we are taking a completely new approach to the underlying website structure. If you think you can recognise a WebHealer website, this will look very different.

31st May 2013 - Mobile friendly responsive design
Responsive website design is the new standard to ensure that your website is as readable on a phone, as it is on a wide screen laptop. We've been developing and testing a solution to this over recent months, and are now able to offer it to Griffen Mill customers on a bespoke design basis. The key is for the website to detect screen width and adapt the display accordingly, adjusting menus, font sizes and positioning as required.